In School Support

At Imberhorne we support students in many ways, from Year 6 before students join the school through to helping Year 13's with next steps beyond school-life. Form tutors play a key role, not just as a point of contact but also for student wellbeing. Of course there may be times when students need a little more support and there are many people available to them. 

Mrs L Galloway, Year 7 Pastoral Support lgalloway [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk

Mrs G Resce, Year 8 Pastoral Support gresce [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk

Mrs N Beeney, Year 9 Pastoral Support nbeeney [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk

Mrs M Malone, Year 10 Pastoral Support mmalone [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk

Mr P Powders, Student Learning Mentor ppowders [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk

Mrs L Miles, Student Learning Mentor lmiles [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk

Mrs J Cooper, Sixth Form Pastoral Support jcooper2 [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk


Well-being and Mental Health Referrals


Talk Sense

This scheme is run by trained members of our Sixth Form student and staff body. It is a weekly service, offering our younger students a listening ear, an older mentor and a smiling face. Please contact eforbes-turner [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk for further information.