Curriculum, Pastoral and Administration Contacts

Administrative Enquiries

info [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk

Absence Reporting

01342 323562 - Opt 1 for Years 7/8/9/10/11 & Opt 2 for Years 12/13

Appointment Reporting

Please email reception [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk stating your child’s name, tutor/year group, reason for appointment, time of leaving and approximate time of return. If it is not possible to email, please telephone our main reception on 01342 323562 Opt. 0. Please do not email Heads of Year or Pastoral Teams to notify us of appointments as messages may be delayed in getting to the relevant staff.

Curriculum Enquiries

For curriculum matters (learning, progress, homework), contact should be with the Leader of Learning who oversees the subject area or the Key Stage Subject Leader. i.e. KS3 Leader of English who has specific responsibility for learning in that Key Stage. 

Name Position Email Address
Miss J Sassi Art - Leader of Learning jsassi [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Mr C Mumby Business - Leader of Learning cmumby [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Mr J Watson Drama - Leader of Learning jwatson [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Miss H Jackson English - Leader of Learning hjackson [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Mr D Monckton  Geography - Leader of Learning dmonckton [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Mr N Booth History - Leader of Learning nbooth [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Miss R Hillman Computing - Leader of Learning rhillman [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Mrs H Weller Languages - Joint Leader of Learning hweller [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Mrs L Hutcheson Languages - Joint Leader of Learning lhutcheson [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Mr S Kay Maths - Joint Leader of Learning skay [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Mr R Williams Music - Leader of Learning rwilliams [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Mr P Byrne PE - Leader of Learning pbyrne [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Mrs N Quick Religion, Ethics & Philosopy (REP) - Leader of Learning nquick [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Mrs S Watson Science - Leader of Learning swatson [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Mrs E Forbes-Turner Psychology - Subject Leader eforbes-turner [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Mr R Jeffs Technology - Leader of Learning rjeffs [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk

Pastoral Enquiries

For pastoral matters (student welfare, behaviour, concerns), contact should be made via the pastoral teams.

Form Tutors  Year 7   Year 8   Year 9   Year 10   Year 11 will be able to help with most pastoral queries and should be contacted in the first instance. However, if you feel the matter has not been resolved or should be directed straight to the Pastoral Support Team and Head of Year, please see below for the correct staff according to year group.

Key Stage 3 Pastoral Team

Name Position Email Address
Mr D Moore Head of Year 7 dmoore [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Mrs T Holley Acting Year 7 Pastoral Support Assistant tholley [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Mr D Celani Head of Year 8 dcelani [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Mrs N O'Connor Year 8 Pastoral Support Assistant noconnor [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Mrs S Hill Head of Year 9 shill [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Miss S Wood Year 9 Pastoral Support Assistant swood [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Mrs T Holley Assistant Head of Year tholley [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Mrs N Beeney Assistant Head of Year & Safeguarding nbeeney [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk

Key Stage 4 Pastoral Team

Name Position Email Address
Mrs J Wells Head of Year 10 jwells [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Mrs I Longhurst Pastoral Support Assistant Year 10 Ilonghurst [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Mrs C Cook Head of Year 11 ccook [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Mrs M Malone Pastoral Support Assistant Year 11 mmalone [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Mrs L Galloway Assistant Head of Year lgalloway [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk

Sixth Form Pastoral Team

Name Position Email Address
Mr C Dunn Head of Year 13 cdunn [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Miss S McCarthy Head of Year 12
Deputy Head of Sixth Form
smccarthy [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Mrs J Cooper Pastoral Support Assistant jcooper2 [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk

 Leadership Team

Name Position Email Address
Mr M Whatford Headteacher mwhatford [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Ms K Marlborough Deputy Headteacher (Quality of Education) kmarlborough [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Mr C Fallick Deputy Headteacher (Behaviour and Attitudes) cfallick [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Mrs E Best Senior Assistant Headteacher (KS3) ebest [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Mrs K Abingdon Senior Assistant Headteacher (KS4) kabingdon [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Mr G Crees Senior Assistant Headteacher (Sixth Form) gcrees [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Mr S Kay Assistant Headteacher (Leader of Maths and Numeracy) skay [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Mr M Jones Assistant Headteacher (Data Intelligence Manager) mjones [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Mrs C Price Assistant Headteacher (SENDCO) cprice [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Mrs D Clements Business Manager dclements [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk


Who should I contact with a concern or complaint?

We recognise that sometimes, concerns will arise. It is important that school staff are given appropriate opportunities to resolve concerns before Governors provide additional external scrutiny. The usual format for escalating concerns:

  • Initial concern is raised with the subject teacher/subject leader and/or Form Tutor/Head of Year
  • Correspondence may include emails, telephone calls and face to face meetings
  • If matters are unresolved, the concern should be raised with the Assistant Headteacher, responsible for the Key Stage.
    • For concerns in Key Stage 3 – Mrs E Best ebest [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
    • For concerns in Key Stage 4 – Mrs K Abingdon kabingdon [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
    • For concerns in the Sixth Form – Mr G Crees gcrees [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
  • If you still feel matters need further attention, the concern may be raised with the Acting Headteacher, Ms K Marlborough kmarlborough [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk 

In most instances, good open communication ensures concerns are resolved effectively. If, having been through the stages laid out above, matters remain unresolved, then you may consider a formal written complaint to the school. Even then, it is only if you are not satisfied with the Headteacher’s response, that Governors will become involved. For full details, please see the school’s complaints policy here.

Who should I contact with a safeguarding enquiry?

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Emma Best: dsl [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk is our Designated Safeguarding lead. Please also refer to our Safeguarding page here

Who should I contact with an SEND enquiry?


Mrs Ceri Price cprice [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk is our SEND Coordinator. Please also refer to our SEND page here