Rambert Dance Company trip – GCSE dance students
On Wednesday 12th November, Year 10 and 11 GCSE Dance students went to see Rambert Dance Company's production of ‘Eternal Light’, a new work currently on show at the Saddler’s Wells Theatre, London. The Rambert is a contemporary dance company with strong links to classical ballet. The production comprises three pieces, two of which are new and one which has been shown for a second time due to its popularity in the last tour. The first was called ‘Eternal Light’ which was choreographed to a requiem sung by a live choir, which at times celebrated life, but at others was reflective and mournful. It included a memorable scene at the Western Front during the First World War, celebrating and reflecting on the life of those who lost their lives, highly topical for the time of year we went. The second piece was a duet which paid tribute to the choreographic style of Norman Morrice who choreographed for Rambert Ballet. The third piece entitled ‘Infinity’ was the more unusual of the two, which portrayed the journey towards the end of life in an energetic and futuristic way, combining gymnastics and yoga. We were all tired just watching them! The students were impressed with the high quality of dancing on display. Many were able to take inspiration to adapt in their own works they are currently devising. On returning to school, the Year 10 students completed a piece of work looking at the advantages of dancing with a live choir and orchestra - being in close proximity to the dancers and engaging with the audience; the interesting costumes, set design and lighting were also studied. However, the disadvantages: noisy people chatting and eating sweets in the next rows! For many this was their first time seeing a live contemporary dance work. The students were a credit to the school and thank all the staff for their help during the trip. Miss J StevensKey Stage 4 Dance Co-ordinator