Great News for Sixth Former Sachin

Sachin Bhangra in Year 13 recently entered an essay competition for prospective students of the University of Cambridge. We were thrilled to hear that his essay was 'Highly Commended' and that he had been invited to receive a prize on Saturday 16th September at the University in the Robinson College. We were even more pleased to hear that during the presentation, he was in fact given 'First Place' for his entry! Such an achievement as the standard was so high.


The task set in the competition was to respond to the question: If you could take one item, which must fit in your pocket, back in time with the goal of advancing science or medicine, what would it be, where would you go, and what would you do with it?


Sachin wrote an insightful piece on how he would seek to eradicate 'doping' in sport with his choice of item to take back in time. Read Sachin's essay below.